At Stoke Damerel, children are encouraged to use the Internet and Communications Technology in a safe and responsible manner.
Here is some useful links for you to help keep children stay safe online.
- Thinkuknow Brought to you by the Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) centre. There's a lot of information here for both children and adults – parents even have their own area of the site! Teachers have the chance to train from the professionals and then deliver suitable training in schools.
- CBBC Stay Safe Do you know how to stay safe online? Dongle the rabbit will teach you all he knows with his video and quiz.
- Grid Club The cybercafé within Gridclub is a safe online community where you can make choices without getting hurt. You can join in the fun at the cybercafé by playing the game.
- Kidsmart Kidsmart gives you lots of advice on how to stay safe online. There's a section for kids under 11 years old and a separate section for those over 11 years old.
- Newsround Quiz – Internet Security Test your knowledge of internet safety with this quiz from CBBC Newsround. There's also further information if you're not sure on anything.
- Safe Kids Quiz
- Safety Land Safety land is normally a very nice place to live, but a nasty character is sending yucky emails and messages. Captain Broadband needs your help to find the nasty character.